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De Hengdian Group

DMEGC Magnetics is onderdeel van het nog omvangrijker Hengdian concern, één van de grootste private ondernemingen in China. Naast de fabricage van magneten en zonne-energie producten heeft de groep o.a. activiteiten in de chemie, elektronica, farmacie, toerisme en entertainment.

DMEGC Magnetics

DMEGC Solar Energy is opgericht in 2009, als nieuw onderdeel van het al decennia bestaande DMEGC Magnetics Co. Ltd.. Ruim negentien duizend employees produceren magneten die wereldwijd gebruikt worden door fabrikanten van huishoudelijke apparaten, de automotive industrie en producenten van ICT hardware. Als u in het bezit bent van een product van Philips, Bosch, Samsung, LG, Sony, HP, Siemens, Renault of General Motors, dan is de kans groot dat daar een magneet van DMEGC in verwerkt is.

Onze diensten en producten

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DOUBLE GLASS MODULES Most solar modules have glass plates on the front side, protecting the solar cells from weather influences and dirt. By also placing a glass plate on the back side, instead of the traditional foil, life duration of the panel increases significantly. There are double glass panels mono- or polycrystalline cells. The EVA can be white, black or transparent and the anodized aluminium frames are black or silver colored. Frameless s also possible.

Double glass modules with black anodized aluminum frames:
60 cells, transparent, 290 | 295 | 300 Wp
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60 cells, transparent, 275 | 280 | 285 Wp
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60 cells, full black, 290 | 295 | 300 Wp
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60 cells, white EVA, 290 | 295 | 300 Wp
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DOUBLE GLASS MODULES Most solar modules have glass plates on the front side, protecting the solar cells from weather influences and dirt. By also placing a glass plate on the back side, instead of the traditional foil, life duration of the panel increases significantly. There are double glass panels mono- or polycrystalline cells. The EVA can be white, black or transparent and the anodized aluminium frames are black or silver colored. Frameless is also possible.


DOUBLE GLASS MODULES Most solar modules have glass plates on the front side, protecting the solar cells from weather influences and dirt. By also placing a glass plate on the back side, instead of the traditional foil, life duration of the panel increases significantly. There are double glass panels mono- or polycrystalline cells. The EVA can be white, black or transparent and the anodized aluminium frames are black or silver colored. Frameless is also possible.
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